Mienfoking Films

Mienfoking Films
Reality Check ?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gulf Oil Crisis Hoax - What if They Just Made it All Up ?

The first question we need to ask is "Where is all the oil' ?

Why Would They Do This ?

Massive Social Change and Depopulation Plans ?

Why are you blaming the bankers ?


Job Rabbeljee said...

literal and off topic unless taken broader the weeds and their fate having to fear scuffle torch pesticide and ocd keep your gardeners, there ought be a saviour plan; had god not made it so that what not rhymes with keeping grows, the weed would either not exist or be so proudly strong and general.it reaks of botanic holocaust over the lebensraum of carnation and sensitives alike. Save our weeds!

Job Rabbeljee said...

workman is a word my son came up with looking at construction workers. He did distinguish between me and working. And somehow right.

Job Rabbeljee said...

clockwise ?

Job Rabbeljee said...

Things that are,does not all become ?

Job Rabbeljee said...

thank you for making it so!

Job Rabbeljee said...

god may not be creative in the sense of matter from nothing rather then fiddling around with the building block s around after having become bored with eternity after he passed away but did he set the conditions for being reborn on yet another inhabitable cloudy marble suspended in empty space?

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